Labyrinth Schedule


Open Labyrinth Walk: 5 pm – 8 pm
and Taizé Service at 7 pm

Taizé Service

A service of contemplative Taizé chants and readings will be held on the last Sunday of every month at 6:30 PM. This quiet time of singing and listening helps usher participants into a state of peacefulness and calm in preparation for the labyrinth walk, but participation in the service is not required to walk the labyrinth. A candlelit walk on the indoor labyrinth (or outdoor labyrinth, weather permitting) follows the short service at 7:00 PM. The outdoor walk offers a different labyrinth experience, accented by soft breezes, beautiful sunsets, and birdsong.

New Walker Orientation

A labyrinth orientation begins at 7:00, right before the walk. During this orientation, the walker will learn about the history of labyrinths in general, the history of the labyrinths at New Life, and a discussion of labyrinth etiquette.

Outdoor Labyrinth

Our outdoor labyrinth is open to the public every day from dawn to dusk. The labyrinth does not have electric lighting to facilitate night walks. We try very hard to maintain the labyrinth path and keep it free from debris. Sometimes things are out of place and our New Mexican winds happily blow things in from the street. Please be careful. You walk at your own risk.


There is never a fee charged for labyrinth walks at New Life, however, donations are always accepted. Any money collected goes toward the improvement and maintenance of the labyrinths and the surrounding landscaping. Do not feel obligated to make a donation.