About: Worship

Our worship services are held in our Worship Center at 10:30 every Sunday morning.  We have seating at round tables.  You are invited to have a cup of coffee or tea and take it to your table.   You will be joined at the table by members who will welcome you and answer any questions,

The Bulletin tells you of the order of the service.  The Music and Hymns and Readings and Sermon title are listed.  

We begin with a welcome and share the joys and concerns of the community.  Since we are an Earthcare Congregation, (see info linked) we mark the beginning of worship with A Time for the Earth. A member will mark some item of news regarding the environment.  

We follow with hymns and prayers including a press prayer of confession This prayer is a time to clear connection between us and God by saying either silently or aloud where we have fallen short of God’s call to our lives.  We then receive the Assurance of Pardon reminding us of the Grace and Mercy of God already given to us through God’s son, Jesus.  

We have Readings from the Old and New Testaments

The Choir offers an Anthem, a hymn, and scripture reading.  

The Sermon follows as a meditation on the Word of God for the day.  

We have Prayers of the People and respond to individuals requests by saying, God hear our prayer for concerns raised, and God we thank you, for prayer answered.  We conclude our time of prayer with the Lord’s Prayer.  We encourage everyone to use the word in the prayer..Forgive us our sins,  or debts,  or trespasses when we come to that phrase in the prayer.  

Our response to the prayer and message comes through our giving at the time of the Offering.  

We offer gifts of our heart, our rededication of our lives to God’s call to us.  We return gifts to God from the bounty of what we have received to support the work of God in this congregation.          

We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of every month and other special service days.  You are invited to participate in this Sacrament.  

On most Communion Sunday’s we celebrate sharing Communion by Intinction.  You are to come forward and  offered a piece of the bread, Jesus Christ the Bread of Heaven.  Hold the bread and dip it in the cup, Jesus Christ the Cup of Salvation.  If you cannot come forward and would like communion please tell someone at your table and the elements, bread and the cup, will be brought to you.  For those who prefer not to instinct  the bread cups of the juice are also available, just tell your server. 

A sending Hymn and Charge and Benediction and then our Postlude